Community Television Broadcasting is a community entity which has autonomy and creative independence producing streaming television content within its own framework.
🗸 Reflect local voices relevant to their local communities.
🗸 Promote development of identity and reflect cultural diversity.
🗸 Promote the availability of television programs about matters of local significance.
🗸 Ensure diversity in broadcasting services in the transition to digital broadcasting.
Community Television Broadcasting is a fully functioning television station with the ability to feed social media platforms, stream original television content and produce live content. We also provide work experience for the diverse sector, develop skills in broadcasting and reflect diverse story-lines of the day, discuss issues, concerns and celebrations. We harness and profile local role models and communities to build recognition of achievements to enhance the sense of positive belonging in our local environment. We aim to work closely with the promotion of First Nations Broadcasting, Multicultural Broadcasting, Diverse Broadcasting to build identities, culture and linguistic diversity.
Community Television Broadcasting Perth, is the first community television station entity in Australia to fully transition from free-to-air to the online platform. We follows the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (revised 2019) and represents diversity, community and First Nation’s broadcasting in the digital landscape. Our aim is to bring unity; to allow the unheard voices to be heard via streaming television and in conjunction with community radio through the concept of Radio – Pictures. This includes all social media platforms, and initially live via our website.

Community Television Broadcasting streams local television stories to ctbperth.net.au and is in the process of developing it’s own apps for IPTV and mobile devices.
Community Television Broadcasting is a streaming community television channel ctbperth.net.au screens grassroots stories and picks up where free-to-air West TV c44 community television left off. We are still based at the ABC East Perth studios.
We advocate for grassroots stories within First Nations Broadcasting, Diverse Broadcasting, Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasting – profiling the wonderful community stories of local shires, associations, sporting clubs, not-for-profit groups and the like.
We take great joy to profile celebrations that bring community together to encourage positive feelings back into the local community and to inform others of mentors, events and local community organizations.
Our style of telling community stories informs and educates others and builds community engagement. Our local streaming community television station has the ability to stream live and offer studio opportunities. We provide real experiences for first time storytellers who then become
their own television content creators so as to continue with server uploads to be inserted into the playlist for 24/7 streaming.
Together we can tell the story of hundreds of thousands of local voices to empower the youth, the elders, the local community members including the homeless, the marginalized and the voiceless.
Our grassroots stories improve self-worth, build self confidence and builds the profiles of local services to inform and educate.
I hope you will support us, as we support you, to tell your community stories.
Community Television Broadcasting
Local goes Global

- To operate a streaming and where applicable free-to-air community television broadcasting station
- To be a communication centre that remains neutral yet provides a platform for sharing, analysis and discussion
- To be a media outlet as a conduit where philanthropic workers and volunteers can present their successful projects and activities done in fighting for specific causes
- To be a platform where people can unite and where specific projects get promoted and heard
- To be a central communication centre which works with a range of stakeholders, looking at global aid, development and bringing the fragile issues into the light
- To operate a central global foundation, a sharing of ideas and a think tank for aid and development serving Australia and the global development community
- To promote new ideas which are working,
- To give insight as to what is truly happening on the ground,
- To highlight practical initiatives and community based programs to improve the effectiveness of global program and events,
- To share with and strengthen workers’ networking
- To work to support the cause of strengthening international development
- To focus on First Nation’s Broadcasting, Multicultural Broadcasting, Ethnic and Diverse Broadcasting
- To up-skill marginalized community members as television content creators
- To Follow as a guide the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 as a guiding principle for community broadcasting
- To work with First Nations, Multicultural, Ethnic and Diverse cultural groups in content creation for streaming and where applicable free-to-air community television broadcast and community digital radio in unison and in conjunction with
- To facilitate access to specialized programme content production for member organizations to support community television broadcasting
- To promote and harness members’ to establish and deliver media content for community television broadcasting and community radio broadcasting
- To foster a collaborative approach to member organizations
- To provide culturally appropriate broadcast content
- To build capacity of the First Nation’s Broadcasting, Multicultural Broadcasting, Ethnic and Diverse Broadcasting in community television and community radio broadcast service sector to be resilient and sustainable
- To advocate for participation to build services’ driven by quality, accountability and accessibility of content delivery through member organizations for provision to free-to-air community television broadcasting and community radio broadcasting
- To work in partnership with other key agencies to foster collaborative services and promote efficient use of available resources
- To work in partnership with other key agencies to foster collaborative services and promote efficient use of available resources
- To work in partnership with other key agencies to foster collaborative services and promote efficient use of available resources