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The only hospital in El-Fasher closed down

June 10th, 2024

African News

By Adejide

Constant shelling closed down hospital in El-Fasher, Sudan

The only functioning hospital in Sudanese city of El-Fasher has been forced to close due to continuous shelling from paramilitary Rapid Support Force (RSF).

Eye witnesses reported RSF drove up to the hospital on Saturday and opened fire until they successfully looted drugs and medical equipment. They also stole an ambulance during the attack and assaulted medical staff.

Therefore, the hospital that has been supported by Medical Charity Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) (MSF) have been closed as the civil war on Sudan respects no rules.

The Sudan civil war began due to the fall out between two generals leading the army and RFS. Several efforts by international parties to broker ceasefire deal have failed to materialise.

More than one in four children suffer malnutrition due to poverty

UNICEF warns the world on the outrageous number of children facing food poverty.

At least, one in four children under the age of five do not have access to food at need, thereby resulting to malnutrition which tends to affect their growth.

This denotes about 180 million children experience adverse impacts on their growth and development. Economic and political instability all around the globe has created lots of problems for humanity.

World charity organisations are pushing humanitarian aids to war affected areas such as Ukraine and Palestine while regions that suffer economic crisis are not getting enough attention and support.

UNICEF warns one out of four children suffer malnutrition due to poverty


US demand accountability over Sudan village attack

Sudanese Paramilitary Forces dreaded attacks have killed more than 100 people in a village as the US demand accountability and implementation of ceasefire by the parties involved.

The attack was reportedly on civilians which is totally condemned by the United States who wrote, “Attacks on civilians throughout Sudan must stop now. There can be military victory in this war,” Matthew Miller said.

“Both the RSF and the Sudanese armed forces must ensure the protection of civilians and hold accountable anyone within their ranks who is responsible for war crimes,” Miller declared once more.

Obviously, the Sudanese war does not respect any rule with reports of recent attacks on villages and hospitals leading to the death of dozens.

Wreckage of the war on Sudan


Tunisia blocks Europe route as thousands of migrants stranded

The implementation of migration policies by Tunisia authorities has proven to be a nightmare for migrants dreaming to crossover to Europe.

It takes less than 100 miles from Tunisia to the Italian islands that fork the European Union’s outermost border. So many Africans take their chances by travelling all the way to Tunisia to crossover. Most of these migrants are native people who fled their countries due to poverty or war. They consequently have found themselves trapped in no man’s land without funds to return home.

UN’s International Organisation for Migration estimated 15000 to 20000 migrants are stranded in rural olive groves near the central Tunisian coastline.

Tunisia authorities are not giving migrants breathing space as they raze tents and clear encampments in major cities pushing migrants to the countryside near the stretch of coastline north of the city.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Tunisia has emerged as a key transit point for sub-Saharan African migrants and asylum seekers


Central African Republic stops Chinese mining company from operation

The government of Central African Republic have accused a Chinese mining company of conspiring with armed militia, thereby causing the suspension of their operation.

Daqing SARL, a Chinese food and diamond mining company was accused of “intelligence with armed groups, illegal mining, illegal introduction of foreign subjects into mining areas, non-payment of taxes and absence of activity reports,” the country’s Ministry of Mines made known on Saturday.

The Chinese company is based in Mangala, Central Africa, a town plagued with chaos and crisis between armed forces and anti-government armed groups. Many locals and Chinese nationals have been killed for the past decade.

Despite its mineral wealth of gold and diamonds, Central African Republic remains one of the poorest in the world.

The Central African Republic’s president, Faustin-Archange Touadéra

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